Frequently Asked Questions

From how WebAR works to how to add Virtual Try-On to your e-commerce store, we have all your questions and answers here.

What is WebAR?

WebAR (or web-based augmented reality) is a digital technology that allows users to easily share AR experiences through the mobile browser – no app required. All you have to do is navigate to the webpage URL through any iOS or Android smartphone camera.

Why AR?

AR allows consumers to experience any product or service by interacting visually in 3D.  Seeing a product on their body, face or within their home provides the visual context needed to purchase. Immersive AR Mirror experiences and AR Ads increase engagement and time spent with your brand. By guiding users to answer questions with 3D elements, 3D products with 3D magical effects, your brand stands out amongst the competition in a favorable, innovative manner.

Why WebAR?

WebAR eliminates the barrier to download an app in order to experience AR, meaning it can be shared across multiple platforms at scale, A/B tested for optimal performance, and updated in real-time as needed.


Geenee AR experiences have been shown to increase engagement and conversion, arming our customers with a powerful competitive advantage in today’s crowded online marketplace.

Our team of incredible designers and engineers work side-by-side with your team ensuring we create memorable AR experiences, ads and implement e-commerce solutions to increase your bottom line. 

In addition, we have a self-service SDK and a no-code platform that allows even non-technical creators to build and publish webAR experiences quickly, cost-effectively, and with ease. 

What AR file formats do you work with?

The common 3D format for webAR is GLB file. Other formats can easily be converted to a GLB. 

Who creates the 3D assets?

We can create 1 to 1000s of 3D assets for you based on images, tech packs or existing 3D files. 

What visual assets are needed to create 3D models for live virtual try-on of clothing, accessories and wearable jewelry?

Any apparel, and accessories reference photos require the following for optimal modeling:
  • Clean resolution, highest resolution possible. iPhone photos typically work.
  • Texture close ups, in a perfect world a texture scan.
  • Dimensions of the product are necessary to capture scale.
  • Nice to have, any CAD files to show the construction of the item are also nice to have.
  • For apparel, nice to have, a tech pack also streamlines the 3D modeling and improves accuracy
Outside of this, as many photo angles of the product also help compress 3D modeling development, and improve visual realism.

Where can my LVTO / AR ad be shown?

Our AR Ads are distributed across the open web as well as social. Depending on your target audience and media spend, we’ll partner with the major DSPs as well as social networks such as Snap, TikTok and Instagram.

What products do you offer to be LVTO enabled?

Live Virtual Try-On is available for handbags, eyewear, hats, earrings, bracelets, watches, beauty products and apparel.

How much does it cost to implement VTO on my ecommerce store?

The cost to implement LVTO into your e-commerce store depends on how many products and how involved you’d like us to be. Self-service options include the Shopify app, using the SDK or our AR Builder. We can also service your account by creating the 3D files and integrate the technology directly into your e-commerce store. Contact us at contact [at] geenee [dot] me so we can help figure out the right path for you.

What is the average lead time to implement LVTO on my eCommerce website?

Most integrations only require a simple addition of a GEENEE LVTO code snippet tag into your eCommerce website, which can be performed by our team in a single day. Testing of each associated SKU can take a few more days. Our team can manage this independently, or work with your internal team, or external agency.

Does Geenee currently offer an SDK for developers?

Yes we do! Check out our SDK page for the details. You can also reach out via [email protected] to answer any additional questions.

Do you have a support center?

Yes we do! We have a support website to guide people on how to create WebAR Marker Tracking, Face Tracking and Body Tracking experiences. It includes all the best practices on how to create 3D files with and without our WebAR Builder.

How do I get billed?

Services are quoted project by project and SDK & WebAR Builder plans are paid in advance, either on a monthly or annual billing cycle. All plans will automatically renew at the end of the billing cycle, so please make sure you cancel your plan before your subscription renews if you no longer wish to continue. There is no credit or refund for usage during partial months.

What is the cancellation policy?

You may cancel your Geenee plan at any time by logging into the website and going to the “Account” page.