Live Activations

Create compelling experiences that drive traffic to your store, or enhance your presence at live events.

  • Immerse your audience in the world of your brand
  • Virtual try-ons to speed up in-person purchasing
  • Save try-on looks to wish list
  • Create your own AR avatar
  • Exclusive games at events and in-store
  • Connect deeper with your audience
  • Upsell more options
Interactive Games
Engage with gesture-powered branded games in AR.
Social Media Content
Create compelling AR interactive brand activations for awesome UGC.
Interactive Shopping
Create interactive finders and LVTO for store displays to aid product discovery.
Interactive IP
Innovate with holograms & avatars of IP & celebrities for interactive AR experiences.
AR Mirror
Create a customized AR Mirror or rent an existing GEENEE AR Mirror.
3D AR Art
Empower your audience to create & share AR art with body gestures.