In the NFT space, we see that communities are being built around art and aesthetics. Roadmaps that include or allude to Metaverse-ready files or games clearly understand the future utility value of NFTs. Those who are selling 3D files right now simply have a leg up on the rest. As we move past the post-.jpeg NFT era, we need avatars, half bodies & full bodies with interchangeable digital clothing, so we can be fully dressed with special animated powers to really be able to enjoy digital destinations and games.
Here are a couple of future-proof NFT Avatar collections our team is keeping an eye on:

Image Source: CROOKZ
When you sell out of nearly 10K of NFTs in a couple of days, it signals that those communities are on fire 🔥 as they understand the basic principle of valuing up the collection by spreading the word to increase demand. While this was just a .jpeg of an Avatar, it was made in a 3D program and rendered 4K, an easy path to providing the 3D Avatar file at next collection.
This was launched last year in collaboration with artist Smearballs and musician Deadmau5. Their Discord is full of Deadmau5 fans who are experimenting with games and experiences using the Head5s. You can see that we too love the 3D Head5 Avatars and dropped it into our Body Tracking Demo using Ready Player Me Avatar creation.
Clone X – X Takashi Murakami

Image Source: @athinkinlooloo (Twitter)
Arguably the most beautiful 3D NFT avatars out there, we’re watching the Discord pop up with people wearing their avatars as well. The current market value can be argued as a fair price given renown artist’s work and NFT utility.

Image Source: Imma Degen
They provide a 3D NFT avatar as a FBX post minting via a wallet-gated page. Within the Discord they have tutorials on how to take your 3D avatar into different spaces and software, putting an effort into creating interoperable assets with clear instructions for different software and use cases. In other words, the community is building.

Image Source: Boonji x Geenee AR Bodytracking
The Boonji Project
Artist Brendan Murphy’s record-breaking drop of 11,111 Spacemen avatars was just the beginning. The highly-engaged members of the Boonji Communji are ready to explore the galaxy Joa and have the dance moves to prove it. The project roadmap promises adventure, rewards, and the discovery of new planets along the way. Plus, wouldn’t it be fun to take your Boonji on a Moonwalk?
Get your seatbelts on for a weird and wild future.

Image Source: CROOKZ