In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, GEENEE Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as a powerful tool that can transform ordinary ads into immersive experiences. Because GEENEE is web-based, it can be embedded into any digital media, including eCommerce shops, social platforms, Connected TV ads, and programmatic display ads on mobile or desktop browsers. And because the same content can be repurposed across multiple channels, it’s one of the most scalable investments your brand can make – build once and deploy your content everywhere. 

According to AR Insider, AR advertising spend is projected to leap from $3.4 billion in 2022 to $14.5 billion by 2027. This dramatic increase is fueled by many compelling factors. For one, Augmented Reality is inherently interactive and engaging, capturing consumer attention in ways that traditional ads simply cannot. In a competitive market where brands are constantly vying for consumer eyeballs, AR stands out by offering immersive, attention-grabbing experiences. For another, in a world of hyper-targeted marketing, AR provides unparalleled personalization. Thanks to GEENEE, your customers can virtually try on outfits and accessories, or see products like furniture and home appliances in their own environment. This makes the online shopping experience more convincing than ever, thus shortening the path to purchase and driving higher conversion rates – a top goal of any advertiser. 

Despite these advantages, brands that have never run AR ad campaigns before are often skeptical or slow to embrace it. They might feel confident in their current strategies, and at the same time, unsure about how to integrate this new technology effectively. However, as the projected rapid growth in AR advertising demonstrates, those who don’t innovate will soon be left behind. 

For brands that are curious about AR advertising, but not sure where to start, here are our top 10 strategies and best practices to help you exceed industry benchmarks with your next AR ad campaign:

1. Understand Your Audience and How to Target Them

As with traditional marketing, a good first step when crafting your GEENEE AR ad campaign is to understand your audience and their preferences. What are their interests? How tech-savvy are they? Tailoring the AR interaction to match their preferences is crucial. Use data analytics tools to gather insights about audience behavior that helps shape the creative narrative. 

Another valuable lesson from traditional marketing: audience segmentation allows for more personalized experiences. Divide your audience into segments based on demographics, interests, and behavior. Iterate your AR experiences for each segment to increase engagement and relevance. For instance, change which apparel item is featured in the campaign based on whether you’re targeting men or women.

2. Create an Engaging Narrative that Leverages Interactivity

Again, even though we’re tackling an innovative new medium, there’s no reason to throw out the tried & true marketing playbooks just yet. People will always love good storytelling, and an engaging narrative will make your AR experience exponentially more memorable. Whether it’s a journey through your product’s history, a behind-the-scenes look at your brand, or an interactive game, ensure your story captivates your audience from start to finish.

When it comes to eCommerce, Fashion, and Virtual Try-on (VTO), perhaps the story is about how your product fits seamlessly with your customers’ personal style. Let them choose which color or size they would like to virtually try on, or pose wearing the garment in an idyllic setting. 

Interactive elements are the cornerstone of AR. Allow users to interact with your product in a virtual space. Whether that’s trying on clothes, placing furniture in their homes, or playing a game that involves your product, the more interactive and engaging the experience, the more likely it is to capture attention and drive action.

3. Design a Good User Experience 

Ensure that your AR experience is intuitive and easy to navigate. For many consumers, your content could be the first time they ever engage with AR. Users should be able to easily understand how to interact without requiring extensive instructions. An overly complicated or clunky interface can deter users and diminish engagement. Include simple, clear instructions within the AR experience to guide users. Whether through visual cues, short tutorials, or tooltips, make sure users know how to fully engage with your AR content. 

When it comes to AR ads, you can use the front-end creative as an opportunity to educate the customer on how they will be able to interact with the ad once they enter into AR. Show an interactive 3D model of the product, or a video of someone virtually trying-on. This way, the user knows when they enter into the AR ad, they’ll be able to do that too – and don’t forget to include a compelling call to action. 

4. Consider the Platform and the Users’ Device

Consider on which platform or device you’re planning to deliver your content, and iterate the experience accordingly. 

Is it a series of display ads for mobile? Avoid full-body try-on and focus on virtual try-on that tracks against the users’ face, such as makeup, sunglasses, or hats. Is it a big-screen AR mirror at a music festival? Perhaps a full-body gesture-powered experience is best. A Connected TV ad? Integrate with the content of the show you’re advertising against – for instance, if it’s a trending teen drama you can let the audience virtually try-on and purchase outfits that their favorite characters are wearing. Creating an experience for social? Be sure to include a way for the user to capture content, so they can share the experience with friends. 

5. Optimize Load Times

Quick load times are essential for maintaining user interest. Ensure your AR content is optimized to load swiftly across various devices and network conditions. Long load times can lead to higher bounce rates and lost opportunities.

6. Optimize for Mobile

Most AR experiences will be accessed via mobile devices. Ensure your AR content loads quickly and runs smoothly across various devices. Test your AR ad on different smartphones and operating systems to ensure compatibility and a seamless experience.

Design your AR ads with mobile users in mind. Use touch-friendly interfaces and ensure that your visuals and texts are clear and legible on smaller screens. A user-friendly design can significantly impact engagement rates.

7. Focus on Quality and Realism

High-quality visuals are non-negotiable in AR ads. Invest in top-notch graphics and animations to make the experience as realistic as possible. Realism can enhance the user’s immersion and make the interaction more convincing. The more indistinguishable the digital version of your product is from the real thing, the more likely shoppers will feel just as confident and excited to buy the item as they would if they had tried it on in real life.

8. Promote Your AR Ad Campaign Effectively

Promote your AR campaign across multiple channels to maximize reach. Use social media, email marketing, your website, and even offline channels like QR codes on physical products. The more exposure your campaign gets, the higher the chances of beating benchmarks.

If possible, leverage Influencer partnerships to bring more users into your AR experience.  Influencers can not only help reach a broader audience, but their endorsement adds credibility to your campaign. Choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target market for maximum impact.

Effectively convert experiential campaigns into full 360 media takeovers by simultaneously extending the AR content offered at a live event to other platforms such as digital display ads, out-of-home (OOH) advertising, and social media. A few extra media dollars will go a long way when it comes to getting the best bang for your buck on your AR asset investment.

9. Measure and Analyze Performance

Define clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your AR campaign. Common KPIs include engagement rate, time spent in the AR experience, conversion rate, and social shares. 

Knowing your goals going into the campaign goes a long way when it comes to designing the AR content. Want to drive awareness for a newly launched product? Incentivize your audience to interact, capture and share. Want to educate and engage your audience? Try an AR mini game featuring your product. Looking to convert users? Don’t forget to add a buy button to your AR ad. Promoting a higher price-point item like a watch or jewelry? Perhaps your AR creative is better suited for a retargeting campaign where the user has already shown some interest. Letting them try on the item virtually could be the last step needed to convince them to ‘Add to Cart.’ 

Having clearly defined KPIs ahead of campaign launch also helps you measure success more accurately. Leverage analytics tools to track and analyze your campaign’s performance. Use the data to identify what’s working and what needs improvement. Continuous analysis and optimization are key to grabbing audience attention and exceeding benchmarks.

10. Continuously Innovate and Experiment with New Technologies

Stay ahead of the curve by experimenting with new AR technologies. Features like AR Physics for earrings, handbag, and garment try-on will take product realism to the next level. Combining emerging technologies like AI with AR will help keep your campaigns innovative, fresh, and exciting.

Gathering user feedback along the way will also help you optimize your campaign and product for best results. Regularly collect feedback from users to understand their experience and preferences. Then you can use this feedback to refine and enhance your AR campaigns as you go. Listening to your customers will always provide invaluable insights that help you stay ahead of benchmarks. 

Beating benchmarks with your AR ad campaign requires a strategic approach that combines deep audience understanding, compelling storytelling, high-quality visuals, effective promotion, and continuous optimization. By leveraging the unique AR and Live Virtual Try-on capabilities of GEENEE, you can create memorable and impactful experiences that resonate deeply with your audience. Embrace these strategies, and watch your AR ad campaigns not only meet but exceed industry standards, propelling your brand to new heights.

Get in touch today to launch your first AR ad campaign with GEENEE.